Friday 26 March 2010

The Beginning

My first set of ideas are as follows:
1- To write a stroy for my own film
2- To create my own film
3- To write an essay of some sort about how film has changed my views on life and how I live my life

Here are the films I have listed for my 3rd idea: (I am still trying to choose which ones to pick)
The Hurt Locker
Schlinder's List
The Usual Suspects
Once Upon A Time In America
There Will Be Blood
Saving Private Ryan
Spirited Away
Godfather II
Purple Rain
Lawrence Of Arabia
It's A Wonderful Life
The 3rd Man
Edward Scissorhands
The Diving Bell And The Butterfly
Three Colours Trilogy
The Big Blue
Where The Wild Things Are
The Talented Mr Ripley
The Departed
Sin City
Empire Of The Sun